Siemens Dialog
27.09.2024, 05:09 Uhr

Historical breakthrough: Collective Agreement for Indian transformer factory

  • 09.01.2017
  • International

The Siemens Workers’ Union (SWU) of India has signed a Wage Settlement with Siemens India Ltd. for the Transformer Unit in Thane. The agreement is considered very special and important in the history of Siemens and Siemens Workers’ Union.

Girish Ashtekar, General Secretary of the Siemens Workers’ Union, reports about the new agreement:

The unit commenced in year 2006 and the employment took place in stages i.e. 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2012 with workers employed as technicians. Though they were performing the work of the workmen category on the completion of their training probation they were confirmed as “Executive Technicians”. This issue has been raised in the Siemens International Meeting organised by Central Works Council members of Siemens in Germany as well as by IG Metall and IndustriAll Global Union.

These workmen have joined the union in the year 2013. SWU filed the case with a court to ensure their job security, to declare them as workmen and to improve their working conditions. The Honourable Court passed an interim order not to terminate them. However, the management came forward and assured to discuss the issues mutually with the SWU. Finally, after series of negotiations and understanding the situation at Transformer Unit, a Wage Settlement has been signed on 30.11.2016. 

Following are the terms and conditions of this Wage Settlement: 

1. They (the "Executive Technicians") will be declared as workmen

2. A Dearness Allowance has been introduced

3. There is an Incentive Scheme for the other service conditions

On the occasion of this signing of the settlement Mr. Ramesh Shankar, Executive Vice President of HR, Mr. Praveen Deshmukh, General Manager of HR, and Mr. Shouvik Bhattacharya, Head of the Transformer Business, congratulated the workmen. Mr. Girish Ashtekar, General Secretary of the SWU, expressed his thanks and wished the management of the Transformer Unit all the success. After the signing ceremony the workmen celebrated this occasion by bursting crackers.