Siemens Dialog
27.09.2024, 05:09 Uhr

One question, many answers

  • 12.09.2017
  • International

After continuous cooperation with IG Metall and the German Central Works Council, Siemens and 5 US unions signed a codicil agreement additional to the International Framework Agreement. It guarantees the access of unions to non-unionized facilities and the free choice of the employees towards unions without pressure from the company's side through anti-union consultants or other activities.

Randy Middleton, IBEW

Jim Clark, IUE-CWA

John Shinn, USW

Mark Haasis, UAW

Craig Norman, IAM

The agreement was closed in 2016 after four years of multilateral talks with the unions IBEW, IUE-CWA, USW, UAW and IAM. In order to get some feedback, we now asked them about the consequences in their every day work at Siemens. Here are the answers:

Randall A. Middleton, <link http: _blank>IBEW: "Your question of what this agreement means to the IBEW and other unions involved, has many answers. The first response is that this agreement is a result of over 3 years of striving to build a relationship, not only with the IBEW and Siemens in North America, it is also about getting the other unions in North America to meet and have the same focus. This relation and agreement would not have been possible if it were not for the IBEW having a relationship with IG Metall and the Works Council.

I would have to say that none of this would have ever happened if it were not for the Works Councils endless support. For that I thank you for all your help. This agreement with Siemens levels the playing field when it comes to organizing potential members and Siemens employees. It clearly represents the company’s commitment to respect not only the union involvement, but most importantly it shows the respect the company is showing for the employees choice to form a union.

Here in the USA many employers have no interest in working with unions and they actually spend a lot of money fighting unions organizing attempts and intimidate the workers. For Siemens to make this agreement and commitment to PLAY FAIR is a big step in the right direction."

James D. Clark, <link https: _blank>IUE-CWA: "The IUE-CWA Is pleased that after years of hard work, we finally have an agreement that outlines a road to a fairer process for organizing in the U.S. While the agreement falls way short of neutrality on the part of Siemens, it does give U.S. Unions a base from which to work in our efforts to bring union representation and a voice to all Siemens workers in the United States like those workers enjoy in Europe.

Our hope is this agreement will shine a light on the confrontational attitude of US Siemens management toward partnering with labor unions. Our goal is for the US labor environment to become as strong and respectful as the relationship between Siemens and IG Metall in Germany."

John Shinn, <link https: _blank>USW: "The USW really appreciated the opportunity to participate in the meetings set up by IG Metall, with top US Siemens Management to take advantage of the opportunity to see if we could agree to a Neutrality Agreement. Even though we could not get Siemens to agree to a full Neutrality Agreement we find value to the “Letter of Understanding” (LOU) we mutually agreed upon.

The LOU establishes a good set of guidelines and principles which provides a pathway forward to test the commitment that the parties will treat each other with mutual respect either at the bargaining table or in organizing campaigns. The USW believes there is value in the fact that the company agreed to not use “Union Busting Lawyers” during organizing campaigns.

The annual commitment to have a meeting between the five unions and top Siemens US management to continue the Dialog is a very important component to this MOU. We also believe this LOU sets up a good starting point to attempt to have a US Labor/management relationship move closer to the relationship that exists in Germany and the rest of the EU."

Mark Haasis, <link https: _blank>UAW: "After a lot of patient work by Unions that represent Siemens workers in the U.S. and Siemens management, I believe we came to an understanding that goes far towards reducing the hostile relations that typically are seen during Union organizing campaigns in the US. With a commitment by both parties to mutual respect, non-disparagement and veracity and non-use of third parties to communicate with employees, the groundwork is in place to have representation elections conducted in a calm and fair manner.

The parts of the agreement that call for a joint meeting with employees, with equal time for each party to address the workforce, as well as the establishment of a non-adversarial, informal process to address differences between the parties, provide the basis for a much better relationship between labor and management than is normally found in the U.S."

Craig Norman, <link https: _blank>IAM: "For the IAMAW, this agreement means more Siemens employees will have the opportunity to become union members without being caught in the middle of an anti-union campaign.

I hope more American companies will recognize Siemens for their leadership on this issue and acknowledge that labor unions are not bad for business. Unions give the workers a voice at the table with management. Organized labor is the most efficient and effective way to provide this benefit."