Siemens Dialog
02.09.2024, 12:09 Uhr

"Siemens keeps on changing"

  • 08.06.2017
  • International

An interview with Fritz Hagl, chairman of the Central Works Council of Siemens Austria and member of the Siemens Europe Committee since 2002.

Fritz Hagl at the SEC-meeting in Brussels.

All this time, Fritz has been deputy chairman of the Siemens Europe Committee and speaker of the region Central-/East-Europe since the introduction of the regions (formerly: clusters) in 2008. He will retire this year and has now taken part in a meeting of the Siemens Europe Committee for the last time.

Fritz, what is your résumé of your 15 years as representative in the Siemens Europe Committee?

It has been an emotionally moving time ! My main conclusion is, that a burden shared is a burden halved. The own point of view is qualified by the discussion with representatives from other countries.

The Siemens Europe Committee is an important institution; I think, it should focus on the aspect of information. In this way, the position especially of the smaller countries at Siemens can be strengthened.

The cooperation of Works Councils and all employee representations with the unions is essential. The unions should intensify their international cooperation and coordination in spite of all difficulties.

What do you think about the development at Siemens Austria?

The situation and the development are very similar to the development in Germany. The main issues are reduction of the number of jobs and relocation especially of manufacturing to other countries.

And what do you think about the general developments at Siemens?

Siemens keeps on changing. We can only hope, that the current changes will not cause disadvantages for the employees. The management should take more care of sustainability in the process of change. The strength of the company Siemens has always been its consolidation of the various branches of business. By this, Siemens could preserve its independence. This should not be put at risk!