Siemens Dialog
01.09.2024, 20:09 Uhr

China: Union cooperation one year after the IFA meeting

  • 30.06.2014
  • International

One year ago, in April 2013, 18 union chairmen from Siemens facilities all over China met with representatives of the Siemens Works Council from Germany and of the German union IG Metall at Shanghai. The meeting was held in accordance with the International Framework Agreement, which has been signed at Siemens in 2012.

Several issues were discussed among the union representatives and with the representatives of the management of Siemens China and the head management of the Human Resources department (see also report Cluster meeting for China).

The chairmen of the union representations from China took the opportunity of the meeting to form a structure for their future cooperation. They have declared themselves as the “Siemens China Trade Union Chairmen Community”.

Dr. Zhang Li, the union chairman at Siemens Ltd. China in Beijing, Mrs. Shen Ming Hua, the union chairman at Siemens Electrical Apparatus Ltd. in Suzhou, and Mr. Meng Er Ping, the union chairman at Siemens Numerical Control Ltd. in Nanjing, have been chosen as delegates to coordinate the activities of the unions at Siemens China. The delegates now kindly gave their opinion on the work of the unions at Siemens in China.

Siemens Dialogue: What do you think about the meeting at Shanghai that took place one year ago ? Was it helpful for the unions at Siemens in China ?

The delegates: It was a very good meeting and was helpful. It started the communication among the unions at Siemens in China.

Which are the common issues of the unions at Siemens in China ? Is it possible to cooperate on these issues ?

Yes, we cooperate on several common issues, e.g. collective agreements or possible career developments for blue collar workers. We are also still working on the setup of our Trade Union Community.

Are there new collective agreements at Siemens in China ? Are there difficulties in the process of collective bargaining ?

The situation is different from entity to entity. At some companies of Siemens in China there are already collective agreements, at some the process of negotiations has not even started. There are several difficulties and different situations. The Trade Union Community is actively aligning the process together with the HR department.


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