Siemens Dialog
02.09.2024, 10:09 Uhr

Healthcare employees in Italy again on strike

  • 10.07.2015
  • International

The struggle continues: Italian HC employees keep demanding what they are entitled to - nothing more but certainly nothing less! In its latest proposal for a bargaining agreement, the Siemens management has not included many of the requests that the Healthcare employees consider absolutely indispensable to reach a fair agreement.

Assemblies in Rome ...

... Milan ...

... and Padua.

Assemblies all over Italy

The Healthcare employees have discussed in detail the written proposal that the employees’ representatives received on Friday July 3rd from the Siemens HR representatives. Assemblies were held in Milan, Padua and Rome on July 6th. At the end of the discussions, the Healthcare employees rejected the new proposal because it still results in a worsening of their current working and economic conditions.

The same negative judgment was expressed by many employees who could not attend the assemblies because they are located at great distance from the Siemens locations. They were therefore given the possibility to express their opinion via email and phone.

The strike carries on

The Healthcare employees all together decided to continue the protest, by declaring the next 8 hours of strike on Tuesday July 7th, with a second public demonstration at the entrance of the Siemens Headquarters in Milan.

They are absolutely convinced that the only possible fair transition to the new Healthcare company is based on safeguarding their current rights and economic conditions. They are not asking for more or better, and clearly they will accept nothing less or worse!

During the demonstration the HC employees will discuss how to continue their protest. When will the Siemens management start to listen more carefully to the employees’ requests?


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