Siemens Dialog
03.07.2024, 09:07 Uhr

News International

Healthcare employees united together in strike to reopen the negotiations

  • 02.07.2015
  • International

The very great majority of Siemens Healthcare employees went on strike on June 30th in Italy. And their participation at the demonstration at the entrance of the Siemens Headquarters in Milan was huge!


Siemens wants to worsen working conditions - Healthcare employees in Italy go on strike!

  • 29.06.2015
  • International

The working conditions that Siemens wishes to apply in the new Healthcare company to the employees of the Healthcare Division of Siemens Italy (“HC employees”) are worse than their current working conditions. The employees will act against this questionable approach for the carve out of the Siemens Healthcare Division and go on strike on June 30th.


Ich bin in der IG Metall

  • 17.06.2015
  • International

Heidrun Raab (54) ist Übersetzerin für Englisch - und aktives IG Metall Mitglied. Seit 2010 ist sie teilfreigestellte Betriebsrätin am Siemens-Standort Erlangen G.


Seminar of Siemens China TU Chairmen

  • 17.06.2015
  • International

From April 190th to 23rd 2015, employee representatives from China and Germany met in Beijing. Besides a workshop on collective bargaining strategies, the agenda included internal discussions about employee representation as well as a meeting with representatives of management and HR of Siemens China.


20th meeting of the Siemens Europe Committee at Manchester

  • 07.06.2015
  • International

On May 27th/28th, the Siemens Europe Committee (SEC) held its 20th meeting session at Manchester, UK. 33 members from 20 European countries took part in the meeting; the representatives from Poland, Slovakia and Ireland were missing. Harald Kern, the SEC chairman, opened the meeting and welcomed the participants. He especially mentioned that this would be the 20th meeting of the Siemens Europe Committee.


IFA meeting in South-Korea

  • 22.04.2015
  • International

On April 14th/15th, a meeting of employees‘ representatives from Germany and South-Korea took place at Seoul. The meeting followed the International Framework Agreement of Siemens and included as well an exchange between the representatives from Germany and South-Korea as a discussion with the Korean management.


India: Union carries out „Transfer Project“ to support the IFA implementation

  • 18.03.2015
  • International

In 2012, an International Framework Agreement (IFA) has been signed for Siemens by the management and the unions on a global level. In our Interview, Uday Mahale, General Secretary of the Siemens Workers’ Union in India, explains what this means for his union.


Ich bin in der IG Metall

  • 18.09.2014
  • International

Mariella Glas (21) ist gelernte Kauffrau für Bürokommunikation. Sie arbeitet als Teamassistentin am Siemens Standort Renningen. Sie ist Mitglied der JAV der Siemens Niederlassung Stuttgart - und seit Ende Juni Vorsitzende der Gesamtjugend- und Auszubildenden-Vertretung.


Success of the International Framework Agreement

  • 09.09.2014
  • International

Two years ago, IG Metall, General Works Council and IndustriAll signed an International Framework Agreement (IFA) with Siemens. It defines worldwide guidelines for the relations between national management and employees representation. First cases prove that the IFA works - for example in the USA.


Employees' representations meet in Czech Republic

  • 09.09.2014
  • International

On August 19th./20th., union representatives from Siemens at Czech Republic, Hungary and Germany met at Humpolec in Czech Republic for a two-day-meeting. The meeting was supported by the Friedrich Ebert foundation (Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung / FES).


